Alexandru Romanciuc

Alexandru Romanciuc

Saturday 14 September 2019

Madison,Adams,Jefferson,Clay,Washington Peaks

     Madison,Adams,Jefferson,Clay,Washington Peaks-April 16-17 2012 New Hampshire,USA

Since I moved to New Brunswick I was always looking into getting into Mount Washington area since it wasn't that far but it was hard to find people that would want to join me for an overnight in USA, so I decided to go for a solo trip.

I drove the day before to the trailhead where I slept in the car and the next morning after some early breakfast I started hiking.

The trail up Mount Madison is in pretty good shape and looks like it's traveled a lot, pretty easy to follow with those signs along the way.

After hiking for a while on the trail soon it started to open up a bit and I started to see some views and slowly making my way up to Mount Madison.

I heard a lot of stories about high winds in that area and when I was planning my trip I will have to cancel it few times even that it was a sunny forecast but the forecast for the wind was pretty crazy.

It was still pretty windy when I decided to go and I started to feel that wind once I started going up the ridge towards Madison Peak.

Once the ridge opened up more I could finally see how far I have to get to Mount Washington which was in the clouds so far.

The route to Mount Madison is pretty straight forward and I was making good time when the wind wasn't blowing.

Once I got on the summit of Mount Madison I could see the rest of the ridge over the other peaks towards Mount Washington which was still in clouds.

Once I started to descend from Mount Madison I could start seeing the hut at Star Lake.

Soon I got down to the hut which was close and started towards Mount Adams which had a pretty easy trail only gets rocky near the summit.

From Mount Adams I could see the entire route now and finally Mount Washington wasn't in the clouds anymore.

From Mount Adams to Mount Jefferson I got pretty fast since there isn't too much elevation loss/gain and as I started to make my along the ridge to Mount Clay.

Once I got on the summit of Mount Washington there few more other people .

My first plan was to camp on the summit but once I saw at what time I got on the summit and how windy it was I decided to go back and camp in the only spot that wasn't windy along the entire trip which was down by the hut near Star Lake.

So soon I stared my way back,this time skipping Clay Peak and then going over Mount Jefferson.

Once I got down bu the hut I tried to see if there is a key or a open door but it was all closed and it was still pretty windy.

I finally found a spot on the side of the hut that wasn't too flat but at least wasn't too flat but at least wasn't that windy and after my dinner I went to bed.

Th next morning I woke up in clouds and after my breakfast I started my way up Mount Madison from where I got some spectacular views of Mount Adams while the clouds were lifting.

Soon I made it back to the car and started slowly to drive back home.

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