Alexandru Romanciuc

Alexandru Romanciuc

Saturday, 23 November 2019


                                   Elf,Troll and Scudamore Peaks-October 05th 2014

After exploring Silent Hub area the day before and car camping on the road the next morning we started our way towards the Elf-Gideon col from where we had to do a pretty steep traverse after what we were able to go towards the NW summit ridge.

From Elf to Troll the ridge was pretty easy and just few minor ups and downs along the way.

From Elf to Scudamore the ridge gets a bit more fun near the summit.

On our way back we decided to skip Troll and Elf Peaks by traversing the slope which was ok for a bit but after a while it was pretty tiring to keep traversing all that distance.

Silent Hub,Tandem,Outreach

                               Silent Hub,Tandem and Outreach Peaks-October 04th 2014

After spending a weekend in Bible group area we decided to go back with Dean and Ben to explore some more of that area and decided to do a car camping trip and chose to go for Silent Hub area for our first day.

We again took the Van Horlick road and parked my car at the Pushki Trail spur from where we followed the road to it's end.

It didn't took us too much time to reach the lake where the clouds were still pretty low and we were hoping that it will clear up soon.

Soon we started our way up towards the summit of Silent Hub following the steep SW sloped to the ridge which we followed to the summit.

From Silent Hub we descended to Tandem-Silent Hub col and from there we made our way up to Tandem Peak.

Once we got on the summit of Tandem we saw that we still have some time left and decided to continue and go towards Outreach Peak.

Once we got on the summit of Outreach we made a decision to descend one of the gullies down into the valley and that way did a small loop.