Alexandru Romanciuc

Alexandru Romanciuc

Friday, 6 December 2019

Blowdown Divide

                               4 Days in Blowdown Divide area-December 25-28 2014
                                        Yoho, NotGott, Gottless and Gotcha Peaks

For this time we decided to spend our Winter Holiday's in Blowdown area and spend there 4 days with skiing some of the summits.

We started pretty late from Vancouver and once we got at Blowdown Creek FSR we parked my car and got those huge and heavy packs and started the long skinning on the road.

We were hoping we will meet some sledders and maybe ask them to help us out but we didn't see any sledders on that day.

Soon we left the road and started to make our way towards our camp which wasn't too far but with those huge packs and lots of fresh snow we were moving pretty slow.

By the time we got to our camp it was already pretty dark and we got into the cabin and made a fire and went to bed shortly after that.

Then next morning we woke up with a perfect weather with blue skies and our first destination for the day was Yoho Peak.

It didn't took us too much to get on the summit,mostly it was a pretty steady uphill to get to the summit with a small steeper section by the summit.

After taking lots of photos from the summit soon we started our way back down.

The snow was amazing for our first run of the day.

Our next destination was NotGott Peak which we approached it from the East ridge.

The snow wasn't as great as our first run and there was some crust here and there and it got pretty icy near the summit.

To finish our day we decided to go for one more summit which wasn't too far, Gottless Peak.

We skied the NE face of the peak where we found some pretty good snow and it was a great way to finish the day.

The next day we woke up and started making our way towards Gotch Peak.

It was a long traverse since we tried to stay high and keep on going around to get to the lake below Gotcha Peak.

Once we got at the lake there was few snowmobilers in the area that were trying to get as high as possible on the slopes of Gott Peak.

As we were making our way towards the summit the visibility got worse and we were in the clouds and had to rely on our GPS to get to the summit.

Our plan was to ski down to the col from where go up to Gott Peak but once we got back down at the col we decided to go back to our camp and leave Gott Peak for the next time.

Our last day was our skinning out day.

Here is a short video of the trip:

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